Viewing page 40 of 69

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Ther. Tues. Aug. 14, 1906 Wea.
Getting ready for [[?]]
all day. [[?]] up and down
Wrote about M.O's
His [[?]] in aft
Their Pagrs.  Then
Mtg with [[?]] happens
Mr P. ill eve.
Slept in studio [[?]]

Ther. Wednesday 15 Wea.
H.[[?]] [[low.]] worthless [[? all]]
[[?]] good. 

Ther. Thursday 16 Wea.  
H. low,

Slept well, [?]
Ther. Fri. Aug. 17, 1906 Wea.

Ther Saturday 18 Wea.

[[strikethrough]] Wal [[/strikethrough]]

Ther. Sunday 19 Wea.

Walked down with [?]
 P.T [[?]] for H.J. Thornton to [[?]]. [[?]]all. Coffee in cloister all of much talk. [[? rust]] and was walking with E. when [[???]]. [[?]] a.p.a Thornton [[[?]]. [[??]] 
Sup aT pilot-house
with Ps.

Transcription Notes:
this formatting is wrong. and missing sentences aswell. i saw the last paragraph was unfinished so i did it. the upper rest needs to be reworked on.