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Ther. Wed. Sept. 19, 1906. Wea.  
[[?]] on knitting.[[?]]
[[?]]. [[?]] out [[?]]
[[?]] singing. [[?]]
[[?]] [[?]] [[?]]. A
Colle. on porch. [?]
[[?]]. [[?]][[?]]_
[[?]] in little [[?]]
to bed. [[?]] Slept.

Ther. Thursday 20 Wea.
[?] called [?] up
[?] I [?].  RR
in town wonderful
talk.  [?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] of house
[?]. [?][?]. [?] [?]
[One word?]. C.J. [?]
with [?][underlined] [?] [?] [?]
[?].  Walk with C.
[?] [?] [?] [?].

Ther.   Friday 21  Wea.

Ther. Sat. Sept. 22, 1906 Wea.

Ther.  Sunday 23  Wea.

Ther.  Monday 24  Wea.
[?] called asked [?] to

Ther. Friday 21 Wea. 

Ther. Sat. Sept. 22, 1906 Wea.
In studio in the A.M. [[?????]] -Called up later and arranged for aft. He went to Hammonds with C. [[?]] alone all aft. rain. 

Ther. Sunday 23 Wea. 
Beautiful morning. Went out on pier fishing. Later was writing in cloister when [[??]] came alone. Good talk but A.P.A. & 

Ther. Monday 24 Wea.