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Ther. THURS. OCT. 25, 1906  Wea.
was working in [[strikethrough]] studio [[/strikethrough]] attic when note fr A.P.A. saying they were coming on Friday and asking me for Sat and [[Lansigs?]]. At six Harry Greene. Nice eve by fire. 

Ther. FRIDAY 26 Wea.
Susan came. Adorable morning.  H. & I after scampering abt. went off in auto. Stalled in Lanesville. I came back in trolly & carriage. Crissy planted laurel.  H. at five. Tel fr A.P.A. all them at nine asking Mrs B. & me to come over. Music - lovely time. 

Ther. To — Saturday 27 Wea.
Called over & asked to lunch Jrs." Fussed about house. Susan painting. H. went off at 10. Jolly lunch. Eggleston & A.P.A., at 5 Lena Hardy. To din & R.R. Jolly time music and walk  
home with Egg. 
Lovely day. 
Serenade to L.H.!!

Ther. SUN. OCT. 28, 1906 Wea.
Perfect morning.
Walcott came at 10. 
Tel fr McLennan. Splendid walk over rocks with my guests. Lunch here and all from R.R. after, Tansigs went & my guests took walk. I with A.P.A. & Egg. around point. applause fr. them. we cozy by studio fire reading Dimbovitska.

Ther. MONDAY 29  Wea.
Walcott off early. Lovely A.M. Then Lina & 9.30. Fussing in studio etc. and getting ready for McL. good nap 
A Blake at 4. At five McL. tea & walk. Oh- but not for me. good din and after by fire in living room then studio. Tut. Tut. 

Ther. TUESDAY 30 Wea. 
McL. very nice about painting 
I fussed in studio and did bureau drawers. Geo Dorr came at six. Tea dinner and nice talk by fire. Then studio with him. Wonderful grey light. We roamed not in till 12. He slept in Aunt E's room