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Now, though I did enjoy wearing new clothes my other artists's self would intrude at times. One day I insisted on drawing a likeness of one of the Demoiselles, much to her surprise, and I set about doing it instead of being tried on. When the drawing was finished, they were both pleased and pinned it up on the wall.

But as a rule while standing before a mirror I had to listen to much dubious advice given by these gentle, unobtrusive little demoiselles. They would often allude to that enigmatical person called "un type" and always ended with such optimistic statements as "Quand on est jeune et bien habillée on peut toujours as tirer d'affaire"! Never did they say "On peut toujours trouver un engagement". Which went to show that they were under no illusion about my theatrical career.

I have still in my possession a small photo taken at that time. My head barely rises above a huge chinchilla collar; the coat is of velvet. I am smiling pleasantly enough. Evidently I am not as yet overburdened by the incongruity of my situation.