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de Gaulle as a friend of Stalin, as directing the Communist movement in Africa, as waiting his chance to enter and Bolshevize France. Giraud, though favored by Roosevelt, is now being hounded. The cry being to get rid of all those who are not with the extremist de Gaulle.

Many of the French are still hoping that with a German defeat they will be able to throw themselves into the arms of their kind friends. One wonders whether these arms shall not prove to be of steel and the friendly hug a hug of death.

October 10th. The Baroness came down from her hill to see us. I have previously mentioned her in these notes. She is German by her father, American by her mother and Swiss by a defunct husband. The German predominates. This lady is suffering from the Communistic leanings of her household. During an altercation the cook actually flung at her the Italian equivalent of "Je vous vaux!" The Baroness with great dignity retorted:

and then asked her if she knew how to curtsy backwards on leaving a room. Our guest related this with a toss of the head. Now it will never be known what the cook thought of her shortcomings and if, in the privacy of her kitchen, she took to practising the art of curtsying backwards so as to prove herself on equality with her mistress.

But when discussing the war this lady can suddenly assume the character of a Walkyrie. She is then rather frightening. Her grey eyes flash and her mouth shows great determination, when with a