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salutary sweeping off the political stage of such irresponsible lunatics [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] as are misruling the world today. Yes, may the calm, intelligent Italian workman now setting up my refuge and his like in every country replace the gory-faced criminals now leading the world to destruction.
December 1st. There was terrific bombing at Pontassieve last night, and visible from our hill. "It is a beautiful sight," someone called out, "hundreds of lights falling down from the aeroplanes and looking like Christmas trees!" Christmas trees indeed! The Devil's own Christmas trees followed by bombs and sulphur!
December 2nd. The Baroness lunched with us. We have "civet de lièvre". There is always plenty of this dish as neither Antonio's wife nor the maid can be persuaded to eat it. "They think it is a cat," said Antonio.
The Baroness was annoyed because of our mutual friend Y. lately released from her stay at the Blue Sisters Hospital, refuses to see her and even to speak to her on the telephone. "All Y.'s troubles come from her enemies at Rome," explained our guest, thereupon giving much information to corroborate her statement. (In petto): God protect us from our friends.

December 5th. Much excitement in the villa owing to someone having painted on our roof a great hammer and sickle, with "Viva Stalin" in great red letters. Our peasant caught sight of it from his roof.