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with any comfort. Now Tomalino is a personality and knows how to use to great advantage his gift of cunning initiative. Nowadays as bunch of carrots can do much more than attract more donkeys. Everyone high and low want carrots and Tomalino has used these and other delicacies of the sort to attract the friendly attention of many people of importance in the great world. Among them, I believe, is even a "Comandante". So no one can attack or should be likely to want to attack my huge peasant.

Now though I had much preferred that Tomalino were someone else's peasant, he certainly does amuse me. Physically he is very unusual. His enormous girth and huge stature have unfit him for the army but his round, doll-like face topped by a forest of black curls and his naturally comic attitudes would have made a fortune for him at Hollywood. A primitive Bacchus arrayed in scanty white chemise held together by a waist-band, he lolls (he is always lolling) against a wall or tree, one fat leg across the other, a fat arm thrown behind his head and a finger pressed into a dimpled cheek. Or he can represent the Golden Age of Plenty when in mud-coloured shirt from the rents of which great lumps of healthy flesh protrude, he carries high on his shoulders huge baskets of grapes. Now as a psychological study Tomalino is no less interesting in so far that his mind has been entirely replaced by a sort of multiplying register. He would have delighted Professor Watson of mechanistic behaviourism fame, for his reaction is

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