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all means must be used to bring about a speedy end to the war:' Aeroplanes dumping coal-dust over Berlin and then setting it afire to burn three days in succession; the Countess anxious about her Berlin flat; no one can possibly conjure up the monster battles being fought incessantly on the Russian front. The Countess tries to mitigate the eventuality of a Bolshevik victory: Stalin as Tzar would be no longer anti-human, anti-Christian or anti-anything else he has hitherto stood for. Poor comfort: We know that for generations to come certain countries will be made to live like rats with sewer rats to rule over them.
But patience: Patience: There may still be a miracle, the miracle of the Allies winning the very last battle...of the very last war.
January I2th.I944 Early yesterday morning five politicians, traitors (so called) were put to death. We could but wonder about one of these: a young man with characterless good looks, lacking in distinction and seeming unqualified for the high post he held. You may answer that one cannot judge people from hear-say or from photographs. 'There is no art to show the mind's construction in the face', to be sure, but this young diplomat certainly contrasts unfavourably with those other diplomats with whom (in photographs) he seems to be always shaking hands.
On hearing of the peremptory sentence of death on a former acquaintance our Professor 'Sfollato' was taken ill.