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in the forests. These parachutist have already sent down leaflets to the rebels asking that plenty of drinking water be available when they land. Drinking water must have been lacking on former occasions. Now all these events are supposed to happen on the 25th of may, which is the last day the rebels have been given a chance to return to the Republican Army without punishment. For some time past there has been a callingin of these rebels. Some have returned, others remain undecided and it is doubtless to these that the Badoglians are directing their efforts. But no one is sure about tomorrow: our villas perhaps attacked, our lives in danger, and then again perhaps nothing at all will happen, this in my opinion is the most likely. At all events we are ready with a small bag to escape from the villa if necessary.

This morning there was unusual amount of bombing in the Pontassieve direction.

May 27th None of the events predicted for May 25th took place. The day was unusually quiet.
Yesterday D.di D. came to see us. He said that all is turning in favour of the Allies. Germany is finished for, beaten on all sides. Her armies in Italy will soon retreat to form a defence line in the Appenines.
The Countess as usual came with him and gave a lively description of her experience on May 1st. during the worst attach on Florence so far. After the first alarm she lay