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Florence. The Communists,now euphemistically called 'i Partigiant',have been let loose. They are enjoying a few days of complete liberty in which to rob,kill and make merry. Our peasants,in league with this Party,sent one of their cut-throats to our villa and the Sfollati's maid,long suspected of belonging to this gang,was the first to see this man outside and she persuaded Antonio to open the door. At once the wild looking creature demanded that all the provisions in the house be handed over to him and also demanded to speak to the two 'Signore'. Hearing this demand we quickly looked ourselves in a room on the ground-floor. Antonio then asked him on what authority he was acting. The man answered:'My fist, my knife and my bombs,all of which will be used at once on my return!' After this menace he left the house and N. and I still in our wrappers,made good our escape through the garden. In the meanwhile Antonio,seeing that it had been a mistake letting in the man,ran for help to the British Military Police that had taken up quarters on the hill that very morning. These were the first British soldiers to enter Florence. They responded most generously and it was with a group of soldiers that we returned to our menaced villa,while the peasants viewed our triumph form their windows. Subsequently the 'Partigiano' was captured just as he was about to take away a neightbour's cow. 'These partisans give us no end of trouble;' said a