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used to 'cut into pieces any Fascist that may come their way.' 

We went to Florence to see about the sequestration being lifted from our property. There were crowds of people and many horse-drawn vehicles crossing the make-shift Trinità bridge. I cannot imagine what would happen should one of these horses get out of control. We were told that out of ten thousand partisans ordered to disband  and give up arms, only forty came forward, the others joined the Communist army which, when the occasion presents itself, that is, on the departure of the English and American soldiers they will attack the unarmed Italians and in suchwise bring Bolshevism into Italy. Mrs. T. had decided to leave Italy before this eventuality, but for what other country she seemed uncertain. In my, opinion, when the Communists attack here it will be a sign to attack everywhere. A 'mot d'ordre' from S. and the avalanche will be set going. 

September 21st  Am feeling very tired, a natural reaction, I suppose, after being for over a month at the front line of the firing. But perhaps N.'s active brain has also something to do with it, N. is what might be called a fourth-dimensional materialist especially when she wakes up in the morning with a strong urge to put things right. For instance she may decide to have all the windows of the villa cleaned. A very good idea too, but who is to carry it out? Certainly not the maid who says it is not her work, nor Antonio's wife who has something the matter

Transcription Notes:
suchwise - in such a manner, archaic