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through the mill, by a raw Italian youth who may put any construction he wishes on our most innocent words! A love of Italy may be construed as a desire to favour one political side, or another. We defended ourselves badly perhaps,but only because we had nothing to defend. I suppose it is difficult for those who are ready to kill or be killed for some political opinion to realize that there are folks, especially artists, who can be biased only in favour of those who would end the misery now pervading the whole world. But N. thinks that there is a movement against us. We are surrounded by enemies, we are told. When we spoke to the Sfaollata about our inquisitorial visitor she seemed rather pleased and exclaimed 'Nous nous tenons tous qu'à un fil!'

B. Berenson has returned to his villa. We sent a word of congratulation on his escape. It seems ages ago since we used to motor out to his place. In the winter of 1940 I spent many afternoons there during which I read to him and to Mary his wife pages of my Memoirs.

October 10th. I read Benedetto Croce's speech. This italian philosopher has been an anti-Fascist all along, but owing to his great intellectual value he was allowed full liberty during the Fascist regime. He more than anyone else can judge of the present state of affairs in liberated Italy. While giving full justice to England, he shows that unless Italy maintains her dignity as an Ally, things will move detrimentally not only to