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Notice for a special meeting must be in writing, given in the same manner as for an Annual Meeting, except that registered mail or wire, giving at least one week's notice, shall be used. This special notice shall contain the purpose of the special meeting and no business other than that specified in the notice of meeting, shall be transacted. 
Section 3. QUORUM. The presence in person or by proxy of a majority of the members of the American Artists' Congress, shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 4. PROXIES. Every member entitled to vote at a meeting may vote by proxy. Only members may hold and vote a proxy for another member, and no member, except a delegate, can hold and vote more than ten proxies; a delegate may vote and hold an unlimited number. Proxies shall be in writing and revocable at the pleasure of the member executing the same. A proxy shall be invalid 125 days after the date of its execution, unless terminated sooner by the terms thereof.  
A member who does not vote for a delegate, may be represented by his individual proxy vote. However, no recipient of proxies may hold more than ten proxies.
Section 5. VOTING. Each member shall be entitled to only one vote. All questions shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present in person or by proxy, except as otherwise provided. 
Section 6. ORDER OF BUSINESS. (a) Calling of the Roll. (b) Reading of the Minutes. (c) Reading of Communications. (d) Reports of officers. (e) Reports of Committees. (f) Elections. (g) Unfinished Business. (h) New Business. 
Section 1. NUMBER. The National Executive Committee shall consist of one committeeman for every 20 members, with a minimum of 57 committeemen. The National Executive committee shall take office immediately upon election, and continue in office until their successors shall be duly elected. 
Section 2. ELIGIBILITY. Any member of the American 
Artists' Congress is eligible for election to the National Executive Committee.
Section 3. ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE. At the Annual Congress there shall be an election by ballet for the members of the National Executive Committee, who shall be elected and hold office until the next Annual Congress.
Section4. NOMINATIONS. Any member may be nominated as a candidate for election to the National Executive Committee by endorsement of a branch. A branch may endorse for nomination and election, one candidate for each 20 members who are in the branch. However, each branch, regardless of number of membership, is entitled to endorse at least one candidate. 
A member may be nominated as a candidate for election upon the signed petition of endorsement of at least 25 members.
Section 5. DUTIES. The National Executive Committee shall have the power to hold meetings at such time and and place as it may think proper; to elect members to the Central Executive Board; to receive written reports; to pass on problems of general interest; to act as responsible representatives of their branch membership; to elect the Chairmen of the National Standing Committees and define the composition, powers and duties of such Committees.
Section 6. MEETINGS OF NATIONAL EXECTIVE COMMITTEE. (a) A regular meeting shall be held within 24 hours succeeding the annual Congress, for the purpose of electing members to the Central Executive Board. 
(b) A special meeting of the National Executive Committee shall be called by the National Executive Secretary when requested so to do by the Central Executive Board or by a majority of the entire National Executive Committee. The National Secretary shall send a notice at least 7 days before the date fixed for such meeting, setting forth the time and place and purposes for such special meeting. 
Section 7. QUORUM. A majority of the members of the National Executive Committee in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. In the absence of the National Chairman or Vice-Chairmen, the quorum may elect a chairman for the meeting.