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finance capital which foster fascism are also launching an attack against Roosevelt, but Roosevelt himself is often amenable to the influence of these reactionary circles. 
Fascism represents a real danger in the United States.
Dimitroff asks: Must we look upon fascism as upon a natural force, like the tide of the ocean or an earthquake? The answer is, no! Fascism can be prevented. 
Fascism can be blocked
What is to be done?
Dimitroff says:
"The first thing that must be done is to form a United front, to establish unity of action of the workers in every factory, in every district, in every region, in every country. Unity of action of the workers on a national and international scale is the mighty weapon which renders the working class capable not only of successful defense but also of successful counter-offensive against fascism, against the class enemy."
You may ask: What is this United Front and how can it be achieved? Dimitroff answers this very clearly and simply. 
First of all defend the immediate economic and political interests of the working class. Defend the working class against fascism. This is the starting point of the United Front in every capitalist country. This is also the main content of the United Front.
This means:
"First, joint struggle really to shift the burden of the effects of the crisis onto the shoulders of the ruling classes, of the capitalists and landlords -- in a word, to the shoulders of the rich.
"Second, joint struggle against all forms of the fascist offensive, in defense of the gains and the rights of the toilers, against the suppression of democratic lib-