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able form. Such a party would be a specific form of the mass people's front in America. that should be set up in opposition to the parties of the trusts and the banks, and likewise to growing fascism. Such a party, of course, will be neither Socialist nor Communist. But it must be an anti-fascist party and must not be an anti-communist party. The program of this party must be directed against the banks, trusts and monopolies. against the principal enemies of the people who are gambling on its misfortunes. [Such a party will be qual to its task only if it defends the urgent demands of the working class. Only if it fights for the genuine social legislation, for unemployment insurance; only if it fights for land for the white and black share-croppers and for their liberation from the burden of debt; only if it works for the cancellation of the farmers' indebtedness; only if it fights for the equal status of the Negroes; only if it fights for the demands of the war veterans, and for the interests of the members of the liberal professions, the small business men, the artisans."]

"It is true that imperialist wars are the product of capitalism", says Dimitroff, "that only the overthrow of capitalism will put an end to all war, but it is likewise true that the toiling masses can obstruct imperialist war by their militant action.

"Today the world is not what it was in 1914.

"Today on a sixth part of the globe there exists a powerful workers' state that relies on the material strength of victorious socialism. Guided by Stalin's wise peace policy, the Soviet Union has already more than once brought to nought the aggressive plans of the instigators of war.

"Today the workers of the world, in their struggle against war, have their disposal not only their weapon of mass action, as in 1914. Today the mass struggle of the international working class against war is coupled with the political influence of the Soviet Union as a state, of its powerful red army, the most important guardian of the peace.

"Today the working class is no longer under the exclusive influence of Social-