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Democracy participating in a bloc with the capitalists, as was the case in 1914. Today there is the World Communist Party, the Communist International. Today the bulk of the Social-Democratic workers are turning to the Soviet Union, to its policy of peace, to a united front with the Communists.
"Today the peoples of the colonial and semi-colonial countries do not regard their liberation as a hopeless cause. On the contrary, they are passing on more and more to determined struggle against the imperialist enslavers.The best evidence of this is the Soviet revolution in China and the heroic exploits of the Red Army of the Chinese people.
"The popular hatred of was is constantly gaining in depth and intensity. In pushing the toilers into the abyss of imperialist wars, capitalism is staking its head. Today not only the working class, the peasantry and other toiler champion the cause of the preservation of peace, but also the oppressed nations and weak peoples whose independence is threatened by the new wars. Even some of the big capitalist states, afraid of losing out in the redivision of the world, are interested at the present stage in the avoiding war.
"This gives rise to the possibility of forming a most extensive front of the working class, of all the toilers, and of the entire nations against the threat of imperialist war. The extent to which this world-wide front is realized and put into action will determine whether the fascist and other imperialist war incendiaries will be able in the near future to kindle a new imperialist war, or whether their fiendish hands will be hooked off by the ax of a powerful anti-war front."
This a fair warning indeed. The workers of the United States cannot fail to heed it. We must organize a force that would block fascism and imperialist war.
Build the United Front of the workers. Build up powerful, militant industrial unions in all the industries of mass production. Make the unions fighting organizations. Resist wage cuts. (resist the speed up, resist the worsening of working conditions.) Fight for the 30 hour week without a decrease in wages. Fight for