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Motion by Miss Bianca Todd, seconded by Mr. Hobart Nichols, and carried that Mr. Julian Clarence Levi continue as Temporary Chairman and that Mr. Howard Lee Irwin continue as Temporary Secretary.

Motion by Mr. Jan Juta, seconded by Mr. Nils Hogner and carried that the delegates composing the Council permit members of the Committee of Nine to speak from the floor.


The Temporary Chairman explained that the purpose of the meeting is to unite the artists of the region of New York City, to make effective their varied abilities through a central organization that can cooperate with governmental, industrial and civilian agencies in the prosecution of the war and defense of the country.
a) by analysis of the talents and experiences of the individual artist and of the services he is fitted to render in his usual field and in other fields;
b) by study of the governmental, industrial and civilian activities to determine in what manner the various abilities of artists can be utilized;
c) to cooperate in finding personnel activities when requested by the above agencies;
d) to suggest new activities in which artists can be helpful, etc.


The following Resolution was read by the Temporary Secretary and copies were distributed to those present.

"WHEREAS the U.S. has suddenly been plunged into a war that threatens the very foundations of civilization and

WHEREAS the highly organized aggressor nations can be successfully combatted only by superior organization, reinforced by the voluntary and spontaneous efforts of a free people in the utilization of all their abilities as developed by free institutions and

WHEREAS the members of the artistic professions, by virtue of their training and experience, have developed qualities of imagination and technical abilities that can be of service - - not only in their usual fields - - but also in many activities connected with the military preparations of the land, sea and air forces, with defense industries and planning boards, as well as with civilian protection and morale and

WHEREAS these artists are desirous of fulfilling their duties as citizens and of placing their services at the disposal of their country in the most effective manner, therefor be it 

RESOLVED that the artistic professions, represented by delegates from the societies as noted below, unite in the formation of the
and be it further

RESOLVED that this Council be empowered to organize and officially