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to represent the membership of these constituent societies and that of any other artistic societies whose members, through patriotic motives desire to join and are admitted by the Council, and be it further
RESOLVED that the Council be instructed to place itself and the membership it represents at the disposal of the Government of the United States to make fully effective the talents and abilities of the artistic professions in the prosecution of the war and in the protection of the country."
Motion by Mr. Paul Manship, seconded by Miss Bianca Todd and unanimously carried that the above Resolution be adopted.
The following was read by the Temporary Chairman
WHEREAS the delegates of the twenty societies have by unanimous vote created the "Artists Council for Victory" and
WHEREAS they have empowered that Council to organize, therefore be it
RESOLVED that the "Artists Council for Victory" shall be comprised of one delegate officially designated from each constituent society plus an Executive Committee of 15 elected in the last instance by the delegates and afterwards by the Council. The officers of the Elective Committee shall serve as the officers, and members of the Council, and the "group members" of the Executive Committee shall be members of the Council, and be it further 
RESOLVED that the Executive Committee shall be composed of a President
4 Vice Presidents
Recording Secretary
and one member from each of the following
a) Graphic Arts
b) Sculpture
c) Painting
d) Mural Painting
e) Architecture
f) Landscape Architecture
g) Governmental and of public relations 
and be it further
RESOLVED that the Executive Committee be empowered to draft a Constitution and By-Laws, raise funds to function effectively, appoint committees to carry on its various activities and to function in all ways to make effective the purposes of the Council and be it further
RESOLVED that the Constitution and By-Laws to be submitted for adoption by the Council, and be it further 
RESOLVED that the Executive Committee be instructed to have the Council incorporated under the laws of the State of New York.