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Motion by Mr. James Lechay, seconded by Miss Bianca Todd, and unanimously carried that the above Resolution regarding Organization be adopted.
The Temporary Chairman announced that the Committee of Nine had prepared the following Slate of Officers for the consideration of the delegates.
President.......Mr. Hobart Nichols
1st Vice-President.......Mr. J. Scott-Williams
2nd Vice-President.......Mr. Hugo Gellert
3rd Vice-President.......Mr. Edgar I. Williams
4th Vice-President.......Miss Bianca Todd
Treasurer................Mr. Arthur Crisp
Corresponding Secretary..Mr. Joseph LeBoit
Recording Secretary......Mr. Howard Lee Irwin
Chairman for Graphic Art........Mr. John Taylor Arms
Chairman for Painting....Mr. Gifford Beal
Chairman for Sculpture...Miss Cornelia Van A. Chapin
Chairman for Architecture Mr. Julian Clarence Levi
Chairman for Murals......Mr. Ally Cox
Chairman for Landscape Artists...Mr. A. F. Brinckerhoff
Relations With The Government.....Mr. Henry Billings
Motion by Mrs. Ethel Katz, seconded by Mr. Van Veen and carried that the names as read by put in Nomination.
The floor was opened for further nominations.
It was the opinion of Mr. Paul Manship that Sculpture is not sufficiently well represented and he suggested the addition of another vice president who is a sculptor.
It was the sense of the meeting that a motion be made later that the Executive Committee make provision for the inclusion of a fifth vice president to be a sculptor.
Motion by Mr. Electus B. Litchfield, seconded by Miss Elizabeth Causland and unanimously carried that the nominations be closed.
Motion by Mr. Arthur Crisp, seconded by Miss Bianca Todd, and unanimously carried that the Temporary Secretary cast one ballot.
Ballot was so cast by the Temporary Secretary,
The Temporary Chairman explained that the duties of the Temporary officers ceased at this point and turned the Chair over to Mr. Hobart Nichols.
Mr. Nichols was warmly applauded on his acceptance of the Chair and briefly addressed the Council. In his address, he stated, "As I interpret our purpose in forming this organization, it is, first, that we are a very large group of loyal American Citizens, who want to help win this war, and secondly, we are a very large group of Artists who