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The Kingdom of Norway
The Republic of Panama
The Union of South Africa
The Kingdom of Yugoslavia
A. General Themes
a. The industrial worker, the soldier in overalls, is essential to the prosecution of modern warfare.
b. Each of us-whatever our civilian job may be-can contribute by working harder at that job, and doing it better.
c. Dramatize meaning of the figures on the stupendous number of tanks, planes, guns, and ships we shall produce.
d. Play up information which shows that the goals can be attained.
e. Time is vital in the execution of the production program.
f. The meaning of idle machinery-a factory half idle is a factory half bombed.
g. Emphasize the need for the speedy conversion of all possible factories into war factories.
A. General Themes
a. "Going without" things will play a large part in winning the war.
b. "Going without" is a part of the war effort' the other parts being fighting and producing.
c. Every housewife and every child can fight in this war by cutting down, by spending less, by saving.
e. A luxury is anything that is not needed.
f. Prepare the consumers of the country for rationing.
g. Educate the buyers of defense bonds and stamps to continued, systematic, and augmented purchases.
h. Demonstrate that inflation is inevitable unless the "bonds and taxes" policy is extended and unless prices are prevented from going too high. Inflation means loss of savings, and buying bonds and paying taxes prevents inflation.