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the following societies have been accepted into membership: Nat. Amer. Institute of Architects, Audubon Society, Albany Inst. of Arts and Sciences, and the School Art League. American British Art Center (pending).

Purpose and scope of organization and area covered 

5. We organized immediately after Pearl Harbor, the Executive Board being elected by the about twenty associates then associated. Our object was to put the special talents and training of artists at the service of the government to back up the war effort as well as to serve the other civilian groups such as the Red Cross, Office of Civilian Defense, etc. At present our area is entirely in the past, but we are growing and might became national.

Who are the beneficiaries 

6.Beneficiaries are the above mentioned activities and the individual artists whose work take prizes or in purchased.

Name and title of each paid executive 

7. I am the only executive receiving any pay, and it is only a token payment as I gave up my own work as a mural painter to run the offices for them and become Chairman of Index, which calls for my complete working time.

Number of paid employees and if solicitors receive commissions

8. Office-Manager and Index; Bianca Todd, Assistant; Mrs. Marie Probstfield, Bookkeeper, Zelda Ormont, (really Goldberg) Stenographer; Anne Forfay, Volunteers variable number. No solicitors employed.

Give information as to source of support and methods of solicitation. 

9. Associate membership of $1.00 annually, societies pay $10.00 annually. At present something over 1000 paid members. (b) We have no endowment or trust funds. (c) WE send out a letter with questionnaires asking artists to register with us. No advertising other than a bi-monthly article in "Art News" by arrangement with them and a special price on subscriptions to our members. (d) We have had two benefits arranged by members and friends. In our Poster show and in our exhibition of Modern American paintings and sculpture at the Metropolitan, we got a percentage of sales by arrangement with the artists. We have had a very few gifts of ten or twenty-five dollars.

Give details of services to members or subscribers.
10. On the Art News membership, our members got a years subscription at lower than ordinary rates plus and including a years membership with us. Also we have made surveys as to what paid war work artists are required for, such as Camouflage, Army and Civilian, Drafting, Mechanical drawing Aeronautical, etc. We have supplied posters both paid and volunteer to all kinds of industry and war work. As we get better