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with regret that success in collecting funds from industrialists has not been as great as was expected at first, in spite of Mr. Hoffmans' indefatigable efforts.
Messrs. Gordon Grant, Stew Wengenreth, and Cathal O'Toole have been commissioned to do posters for the Town Meetings in War. Messrs. Beal and O'Toole are executing pictorial posters for the Ordinance Department, and work is being done for other agencies.
MOTION by Mr. Hogner, seconded by Mr. Pleissner, that the report of the Chairman of the Committee on Relations be accepted with commendation.    carried
Production, Mr. Hoffman: A contribution of $3000.00 was obtained the first week for the Poster contribution. This rate did not continue, and plans have had to be changed. The present plan is that the Council for Democracy will give a first prize of $300.00 and two other prizes and will share the expenses of the exhibition with us (approximately $500.00). In looking for more possibilities, Mr. Hoffman has canvassed various mining companies, who need posters for morale, and production. - We can perform a service to them, and they can, through us, perform a service to the Country. Mr. Hoffman has also proposed to the heads of Department Stores that we can help them in their efforts to indulge customers to carry their own parcels.
MOVED by Mr. Crisp, seconded by Mr. Arms, that Mr. Hoffman's report be accepted with expressions of appreciation.   carried
Mural Painting, Mr. Juta: - has made a suggestion to Mr. Walter Hoving as head of the Fifth Avenue Association for a competition for patriotic murals in shop windows. This met with Mr. Hoving's tentative approval, and the assurance that the Fifth Avenue Association will study the proposal.
MOVED by Mr. Arms, and seconded, that this report be accepted with thanks.    carried
Labor; Mr. Gellert described the circumstances under which he was induced to take the initiative in executing floats for the Mayor's parade. Before the work was finished more than 40 artists took part in it. In spite of the extremely short time, and serious damage from rain, all the floats were done in time. An unfortunate delay in delivery occurred, and some of the finished floats could not take part in the parade, therefore the profit to the artists was not as great as had been hoped, but the good will of the customers was preserved, and each artist had some compensation for his work.
MOVED by Mr. Conrow that this report be accepted with an expression of appreciation for extraordinary accomplishment. Seconded and     carried
Index, Miss Todd: Extreme activity of the office. Many new subscribers to the questionnaires. For those who would still like to submit ideas for the Treasury Department's idea competition, Miss Todd has the necessary information at the office. In Mr. Levi's absence, she would like to report that many magazines have asked for articles, for which she has supplied them with the materials.
Motion by Mr. Hogner, seconded, that the report be accepted.   carried
Sculpture: Mr. Slobodkin reported for Miss Chapin that work of the very highest quality was sent in to the Sculpture Competition from all over the country, 165 models in all.
MOVED by Mr. Arms, seconded by Mr. Juta that this report be accepted with special praise for Miss Chapin's tireless efforts.    carried
Mr. Williams explained the need for the Constitutional Amendment concerning