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The Communists will strive to united all progressives in the unions to work for an independent political machinery by labor in the 1958 Congressional elections; they will strive to make the issues affecting the people the primary consideration, not party labels. They will work towards the nomination and election of more candidates chosen from the ranks of the unions. 

Continuance by the AFL-CIO leadership of cold war policies is one of the major drawbacks in the fight for peace and for a full employment program. The advocates of cold war, chief among the worst union haters, welcome the cooperation they get from some top leaders on international affairs. 

It's time to give up support for an "armaments race" misnamed defense program that not only does not provide defense but is a prime cause for increasing tension and inflation. In a world of H-bombs, peace based on co-existence as Reuther once stated is the only real security. Moreover, the illusion that "armament production" means prosperity has been exploded by life itself. Labor cuts the ground from under its own feet when it supports a policy which takes a 75% bite of the budget leaving crumbs for schools, hospitals, welfare. 

Great opportunities as well as new dangers exist. The world-wide movement for universal cessation of atomic tests has been given a tremendous impetus by the unilateral halting of atomic tests by the Soviet Union. 

In our country it has lead to "peace actions" of a new scope, which can develop tremendous proportions by the active participation of the trade unions, Some unions like Auto, Packing, West Coast Longshore, Clothing, Mine Mill, UE have been pressing for at least some departure from the cold war. 

On the other hand, the economic decline will result in pressure for a more adventurous foreign policy on the part of profit-seeking monopolists. 

The unprecendented Latin American-wide demonstration against Nixon reveals to what extent the imperialist policies of U. S. monopolies has dishonored the good name of our country. It is in labor's own interest for the trade unions to vigorously oppose any interference of efforts at economic and political domination in solidarity for organized labor of Latin America. 

Communists and progressives will support all steps, inadequate as they may be, toward peace taken by trade unions. We will work toward bringing American labor in step with millions of others, outside labor, who have advanced further along the path for peace. 

The biggest steps toward peace at present would be:
-Cessation of all atomic tests 
-Increased trade with Socialist countries 
-Summit meeting
-Extending cultural ties and establishing trade union relationship with Socialist countries 
-Recognition of the People's Republic of China

The need for maximum united efforts of organized labor to wage an anti-depression struggle demands the urgent completion of unification of the house of labor. It means joint united actions, especially in the fight against unemployment on local, city and state levels. This also means bringing into AFL-CIO the Miners, Teamster, Longshoremen, Electrical, Railroad workers, etc. This means: uniting all state and city labor bodies, moving more rapidly toward amalgamation of former AFL and CIO unionism in same fields, joint political action machinery, elimination of jurisdictional struggles, cessation of the policy of expulsion, or secession as a means of resolving issues, full adherence to trade union democracy and the traditional principle of autonomy in labor's federation. 
Labor's advance depends most on how strongly the most advanced unions and the rank and file make their influence felt. The most progressive unionists should be the strongest upholders of the merger and fighters within it for positive results. 

The corrupt practices of the corporations have no place in the labor movement. Bringing these corrupt practices into the labor movement is business unionism. Labor has its own principles. These are that trade unions are formed to serve the workers and labor-leaders are the servants of their members. 

Manifestations of business-unionism such as long-term contracts, neglect of grievances, neglect of the problems of speed-up and automation, pre-occupation with investment operations should go.