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In the present economic situation, big business will attempt to make full use of the "racketeering" issue to undermine the trade unions and weaken support for them in order to conduct an offensive against labor's past gains and place the burden of the depression on the shoulders of the workers. Therefore, the proper struggle against racketeering and for trade union democracy assumes greater importance. 

The McClellan Committee needs to be exposed and the labor-wrecking legislation they are proposing must be defeated. They must be fought for what whey are- the political henchmen of the monopolists. The negative effects of the wide publicity, the exposure received can be overcome by labor giving full encouragement and support to rank and file movements to clean up corruption and for democratization of union life. At the same time a vigorous public education and legislative campaign to defeat the new anti-labor legislation. needs to be conducted. 

The serious economic situation is bound to further affect the difference of views and perspective in the labor movement. 

These differences, reflecting the growing mood of struggle of the rank and file, are on: whether to retreat or counter-attack in the face of big business attempts to utilize unemployment against labor standards; whether to give full expression to the militancy of the workers or to dampen and restrain it; whether to seek more basic answers to the problems intensified by the depression or to stagnate; whether to tap the great reservoir of experience of progressive, Left and Communist trader unionists or continue denying them their full citizenship in the unions; whether to unleash a fully democratic struggle against corruption or proceed by "top" edicts; whether to organize the unorganized and especially the South or give full play to jurisdictional disputes. They are revealed on such questions as the role of the unified state and local bodies, the approach of the struggle for civil rights and fight for fair practices, the attitude toward peaceful co-existence. These differences are not clear-cut and are often expressed in contradictory fashion. 

Progressives and Communists will actively support those forces whose policies best serve the needs and advance the interests of labor. 

They will oppose any whose policies would harm the interests and hold back the progress of labor. 

Progressives and Communists will welcome all forward steps. 

In view of the fore-going serious situation, what is the role of Communists in the trade unions?

Millions of American trade-unionists know thru their own personal experiences the role of Communists in building their own unions. Thousands of union stewards, shop chairmen, many union leaders received their training in the art of organization at the hands of Communists. Much of what was once considered the partial program of the Communists has been taken over by sections of the labor movement as its own. Thousands were themselves at one time or other members of the Communist Party, and contributed to the organization and advance of the trade union movement as Communists. 

Yet, while the past year has witnessed a reaffirmation of individual liberty by the Federal courts and public opinion, the trade union leadership still persists in its denial of the right of legal existence to Communists and Left-wingers. In this respect, paradoxically while the trade unions generally played an outstanding role in rolling back the McCarthyite tide, they at the same time succumbed to its viscious influence. 

All labor, non-Communist and anti-Communist, has suffered too, as well as the Communists. Not alone in the loss of democratic rights and such monstrosities as Taft-Hartley and "right-to-work" laws. But, above all, in dimming the spark of militancy that is the heart of a trade union by impeding some of the most active and devoted fighters for the unions. 

If the crusading spirit of '36 is to be revived, if the problems arising from the growing depression are to be met - an end must be put to harassing those who possess a great reservoir of experience, skill, militancy - the Communists, Left-wingers and trade union militants.