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federal government. The President possesses all the requisite constitutional power now, without the enactment of any further legislation, to uphold the full citizenshop rights of Negro citizens--the exercise of the right to vote and to hold public office, integration of the schools, equal justice in courts, abolition of segregation, an end to the lynch terror and frame-ups, and the establishment of representative government in the southern states in accordance with the Constitution.

All Eisenhower needs is the will to exercise his executive powers as he did in Little Rock, in accordance with his oath of office. The proposed abolition of the poll tax was referred to a protracted process of constitutional amendment in order to leave the poll tax requirement untouched in the immediate 1960 elections; the phony struggle around the present filibuster in the U.S. Senate is to create the impression that the federal government is powerless to act now without additional legislation. The Negro, labor and white progressive citizenry in the North can be decisive in compelling the use of the federal power in the South as well as in extending the battle against jim-crow housing, schools and jobs in the North itself.

1. Demand the federal government out law the Klan and White Citizens Councils and prosecute such criminal subverts of the Constitution as Eastland, Talmadge, and Governor Patterson of Alabama.

2. Demand all-out support to the Negro students and their white supporters and fellow fighters against segregation.

3. Demand that the federal government establish full guarantees of the Negro's right to vote in every polling booth in the South, deputizing Negro citizens as marshals and using federal troops wherever necessary to uphold the federal Constitution.

4. Block the conspiracy to sell out the present civil rights fight in Congress already weak as it is. Oppose watering down of the already weak civil rights bill and demand that teeth be put in it.

5. End the lynch prosecution of Reverends King and Powell! Free Henry Winston!

6. Flood President Eisenhower and Attorney General Rogers with protests to stop the Southern anti-Negro terror--now!

The organization of the forthcoming American Negro Labor Council, whose founding conference is to be held in Detroit in May, is one of the brightest potentials in the entire struggle of the Negro people and labor. It bids fair to create conditions for the Negro workers--the most consistent and stable stratum of the Negro people's movement--to play a more influential role in the struggle for Negro rights. At the same time it can facilitate the unity of all sections of the Negro people, while effectively promoting Negro equality in the labor movement and building Negro-white unity. Preparation for a highly successful, representative and united conference in Detroit will have a profound effect in the present constitutional crisis around civil rights, but it is also of long-range significance.

The Negro workers are the backbone of the forthcoming march called by A. Philip Randolph on both the Democratic and Republican national conventions in July, to influence the 1960 elections. They can be decisive in developing that political independence within the two parties, as well as independent of both, necessary to impose a victory for the enforcement of civil rights in the coming elections.

The victory of the Negro people in Harlem against the DeSapio-Tammany machine and the organization of the Independent Voters League in Chicago show the movement of the Negro people toward independent political action. The betrayal of civil rights and labor in the last session of Congress shows the need of a third, labor-Negro people's party, uncontrolled by Wall Street and the big monopolies.

Communists, more than any other section the labor and people's movement have a responsibility to sense the destiny and moment of this historic movement and to spare no sacrifice in bringing to the support of the Negro people ever larger numbers of white allies, in supporting and fighting to outlaw the jim crow system now, and to smash the brutal terror and chauvinist oppression against the Negro people. Dedicated to socialism--to an America of brotherhood, peace and equality--they will leave no stone unturned in building the militant united action of all democratic forces, Negro and white, to carry on to victory.