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The questionnaire we prepared over a year ago has not been sent out, and the data we collect from them would be the basis of for calling a cultural conference or forming a cultural section. The cultural section and regional conference were both authorized by the Convention, but nothing has been done. 

Comrades. On the whole, ours is a good club. We meet regularly, even though some members are casual in attending. Some, of course, can't make it on Thursdays, and we know that. So from now on meetings will alternate between Mondays and Thursdays, so everyone will be able to make at least every other meeting, and most of you can make them all. We took a survey, if you remember. 

We pay our dues. Although we did not come anywhere near meeting our fund-drive goal. Each Party member is supposed to contribute the equivalent of one week's pay a year--not necessarily from your own paycheck--get contributions from friends and it will also help build the Party.

We have contributed to the press. But not enough. Marla and Ellen, and now Bill, don't count--it's their job. But we don't have a press route; we don't distribute at shop gates or on street corners. The least we can do, especially during this special press drive, is have fund-raising parties and circularize our mailing lists. As our last meeting we agreed that we would show films and get them an attractive leaflet to send to our contacts inviting them to subscribe to the paper. 

We have started a Workshop that has great potential. But so far only a few club members are involved on a regular bases--plus a nucleus on non-club members. So although it was our baby, it has outgrown us, as all children should advance beyond their parents. However, if the workshop is to grow and develop a more varied program, more reliable people are needed. The more of us who are involved, the sooner the WPA will become a real force. Abby and Norman G and Lucy can't go it alone.

But comrades, we still have a long way to go. Attending a meeting once every two weeks and paying dues are not enough. We really believe, that we, as artists, can have an important, Party building, educational and inspirational role in the Party, we have to become more involved in the life of the Party, in its plans,  in its theoretical and practical programs. And it is up to us to see to it that the Party recognized us an active and creative force. What we have to discuss now, is how. 
Ellen Peilo