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Saint Guénolé [[strikethrough]]Nov'[[/strikethrough]]Oct. 7th  [[note]] 1909 [[/note]]

Dear Old Ballin,

Forgive me for having delayed this long in answering your nice letter, I have been putting it off from week to week until now I feel that I must have dropped to zero in your estimation; but [[strikethrough]]t[[/strikethrough]] but still have hopes that I may again ascend a little therein,

Since my cards to you from London I have not done very much traveling but to go to Paris where I spent a few weeks and then go to Brittany for the remainder of the summer.

Have been here in Saint Guenole almost three weeks. With the exception of the boats Johnson and I like it much better here than we did in Concarneau, Johnson stayed but a week and is now in Paris. I go there next Mon.

The coast here is very rugged and the surf at times tremendous which has worn the rocks into very curious shapes.

I think you would like to see the surf smash on the rocks when there is a storm or just after one; it throws huge masses of spray