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be getting a hold again, hope it will last until I get back to Paris as I feel like working again. Have not decided just what I will do there this winter but am almost certain I will not go to any of the schools with the exception of the life sketch class. Expect to have models in my studio and of course to go out sketching very often. Before the winter is over I hope to know a lot more about the figure than I do now, it interests me as much as anything.

Johnson tells me that Mrs. Winkler has the studio next to hers, both of which are under mine. I would rather that you or one of the other "Muts" had it as then we would have the building all to ourselves and have some good old times.  You must come over soon "old sport and we will have some Woodstock reunions in beautiful Paris. It would be fine if dear old John could come over also, I hope the money gods will be good to him soon. 

As to the amount one could live on comfortably here would be about $600.00 per year; am told one could do well on less, but I think the more you can have the better as