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231 Canyon Road- Santa Fe - 11-14

Dear Florence-

Soon I'll have some handsome things to send you - Do what you can with that silver - I had no other to leave as almost all of it was spoken for - It's nice about the St. Anthony, nice for me to get my money out of him - we both made 5.00 - only you should have gotten more out of his saintliness for yourself - I did want to sell the crucifixion but now have a thought for a picture and want to keep him for my model next summer - Please send those two pictures of Mr. Wileys - to him by express collect - I just told him he would have to come down on his prices in order to allow you to make something (at least 25 per cent) on them but he sticks to his prices - That leaves you with only one "Santo" for sale - It cost me 25.00 and I can get 50.00 here - if you can make anything above what I paid it is all yours - That's the one I said I Irving might have to cover what I owe him if he cared for it - 

"Mac." wrote that Conrad had been driven to more congenial quaters by the cold - Its not been below 28 here for sometime and last week was like June - I got sunburned sketching out of doors in my undershirt - 

Paul Burlin is here - he just called up and is coming in to see me in a few minutes -