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makes the place very comfortable to be in.
I have not started to paint as yet, my trunk seems to have gone astray, it left N.Y. last Saturday. I hope its not lost as I have some things in it that I would not care to lose. It is to bad about your brothers hand, I am sorry to hear that there is a little danger, hope it will not prove serious. It is a thing great care should be taken of. I know from experience I had some years ago stepping on a tack and contracting it. The poison worked very quickly with me. It worries me to hear that you are not feeling better, wish you could find out what the trouble is. Perhaps the spring water you drank would have done me more good if I had drank it. My rheumatism is still with me to a degree. I think Grace that your Grandmother think that you may marry someone who might squander the fortune you are to inherit. Why do you say "dam? Is it because