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of the way she is arranging things? Perhaps when she hears of me then she may not bequeath anything to you, so you had better not hold me upon the light for yet a while. I was glad that you did not promise to hang the chromos in your parlor. This afternoon we had a fine wildstorm the wind made [palloms?] on the mountains like clouds had [clows?], where the wind turned up the leaves and showed their light sides. Then the rain came down in sheets it looked like streamers on the wings of the wind, the sky a whirling mass of clouds that looked as if it were undecided to know in what direction to travel, and finely was taken by a current and hurled into the east.  The trailing ends that were left made a fine [?] for the setting sun to strike with its [red?] and golden rays, a sign that tomorrow we will have some more hot weather, it has been very hot here these last two days.  John is sitting here also writing letters, he wants to be remembered to you he says he will write to you soon.  Remember me to your brother and Aunt. write soon and get well if you can, with this I close and kiss you good night in mind with love to you my [mate?]. Andrew.