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and not being able, she can enjoy a somewhat happy old age, and not become altogether cynical, which is her danger.

I hope you [[strikethrough]] y [[/strikethrough]] have forgiven me for what I said to you that night about your attitude toward your mother. I never realy thought that you could feel asshamed of the stock from whence you sprung, but you cannot imagin what intollerable shame it would be to me if you gave any one cause to think that you were. - Asside from its being a matter of simple justice "for we are not better than our fathers" -

A strong family spirit and tender regard for [[strikethrough]] cer [[/strikethrough]] and a certain pride in ones parents, whatever they may be, always seemed to me a first criterion of refinement & culture.

I will try to drop you a line every night hereafter.  Will also endevor to pay some attention to the affairs of state this winter, as I told you, which I can talk over with my aunt as she is much interested in politics.

With love from Grace.