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the Acdytery Lamp Co. everyone seems to like the light very much I do and think that on dark apertures and at night when you wanted to you could model by it. Received your two letters and hope that tommorrows mail will have another one for me. Tell your sunt I am glad to hear she is well again. Tomorrow I will be the only student left here all are going away in the morning Wardwell is coming back on Wed. The Harrison's are coming down to Coopers to stay until the first of Dec. after that they go to the city. At Rock City all is excitement about Rags they think you have taken him with you Mr. Becker is going to see that Miss Johnson she had no darn business stealing his dog. Rags has been staying with me. I am afraid that when I was away today he went home. We circulated a report that one of the students had sold Rags to Miss Lille at Boydeliffe for $25.00. If this appears badly written blame not me but the cold my fingers are very much so. Am sorry you can't warm them for me by your own method. Good night with my love. Andrew

Woodstock New York, Sun
E 11-16-08 
Harrison Wardwell

My dear Grace,

Today Woodstock is wearing her winter garb of white, given her last night by a fall of about four inches of snow. My eyes have not as yet gotten accustomed to its dazzeling [[dazzling]] brightness. I am hoping that tomorrow will be a gray day for the sunlight is to briliant [[brilliant]] for me just now to paint I suppose I will get accustomed to it in a day or two.

Today I did not paint outdoors this morning I finished a plowed field a product of two days ago. Harrison