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Edward Clark
Selected Exhibitions

1952 Salon d'Automne, Paris

1953 Craven Gallery, "Americans in Paris"

1954 Salon de Comparason

1954 Salon des Realites Nouvelles, Paris

1955 Grandes Toiles de Montparnasse, Paris

1955 Musee des arts Decoratifs, Louvre, Paris, Prix d'Othon Friesz

1956 Salon des Independants, Paris

1956 American Center for Artists, Paris

1958 Brata Gallery, New York (One-Man Show)

1959 Nova Gallery, Boston

1959 Bennington College

1960 Modern Museum, Tokyo, The Brata Group

1963 Riverside Museum, Contemporary Artists, New York

1966 Gallery Creuze, Paris (One-Man Show)

1969 American Center for Artists, Paris, "Trois Noirs U.S.A"

1969 American Embassy, Paris (One-Man Show)

1969 Morgan State College, Baltimore, (Two-Man Show)

1970 Afro-American Artists Abroad, Baltimore; Austin, Texas; Boston

1970 Afro-American Exhibition, Museum of Fine Arts, 

1971 "Deluxe Show" Houston, Texas

1971 Don Judd's Loft, New York (One-Man Show)

1972 Lehman College, New York (One-Man Show)

1972 141 Prince Street Gallery, New York (One-Man Show)

1972 Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, (One-Man Show)

1972 Large Works Exhibition, 141 Prince Street Gallery, New York

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