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1977 "Tenth Street Days" New York, NY
"Contemporary Black Art", Florida International University, Miami FL
"Graphic Arts Exhibition: A Selected Sampling", Ankrum Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1976 "Bicentennial Banners", The Hirshorn Museum, Washington, DC
1973 "The Whitney Biennial", The Whitney Museum of Art, New York, NY
"Fall Exhibitions", The Aldrich Museum of Contemporaty Art, Ridgefield, CT
1972 "Large Works Exhibition", Curated by Ed Clarl, 141 Prince Street, New York, NY
1970 "Afro-American Exhibition", Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
1969 "Two-Man Show: Ed Clark and Lawrence Kalawale", Cal Murphy Fine Arts Center, Morgan State College, Baltimore, MD
"Trois Noir, U.S.A.", American Center for Artisis, Paris, France
1964 Svea-Galleriet, Stockholm, Sweden
1963 "Contemporary Artists", Riverside Museum, New York, NY
1960 "The Brata Group", Modern Museum, Tokyo, Japan
1959 Bennington College, VT
Nova Gallery, Boston, MA
1956 Salon des Independants. Paris, France
1955 Salon des Realities Nouvelles, Paris, France
"Prix d'Othon Friesz", Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Loubre, Paris, France
"Grandes Toiles de Montparnasse", American Center for Artists, Paris, France
1954 Salon des Realities Nouvelles, Paris, France
Salon de Comparaison, Paris, France
1953 "Americans in Paris", Craven gallery, Paris, France
1952 Salon d'Automne, Paris, France


1985 Master Award, National Endowment for the Arts, Painting
1981 Adolph Gottlieb Award
1975 C.A.P.S. Grant, New York State Council on the Arts
1972 National Endowment for the Arts, Painting
1955 "Prix d'Othon Friesz", Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Louvre, Paris, France


1969 University of Delaware
1973 Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
University of Oregon