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- "Retour Aux Sources: Une Exposition en Afrique d'Artistes Afro-Americains", Exhibition Catalogue, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
- Kingsley, April, "Edward Clark's Luminous Expanses", The American Rag, New York, vol. 1, no.2/3
1979 - Jones, LeRoi, / Amiri, Baraka, "Cuba Libre", Selected Plays and Prose, William Morrow Company, Inc., New York
- Fraser, Gerald C., "Abstract!, Ed Clark at Randall Gallery, The New York Times, September 24
1978 - Andrews, Benny, "Ed Clark Still Sweeps Them Off Their Feet", 
Encore Magazine, December 4, p. 32-33
- Kingsley, April, "Black Artists: Up Against the Wall", The Village Voice, September 11
- "Artist Presents Pastel to L.S.U.", Sunday Advocate, Baton Rouge, LA, July 16, p.9G
- Goode-Bryant, Linda and Philips, Marcy, "Contextures: Abstraction, American Art 1945-1978", Exhibition Catalogue, February
1977 - Bard, Joellen, "Tenth Street Days: The Co-ops of the 50's", Exhibition Catalogue, December
1975 - Weathers, Diane, "The Fine Art of Collection", Black Enterprise, December
- Robins, Corine, "Edward Clark", Arts, October
1974 - "Edward Clark at South Houston", Art in America, May
1974 - "New Acquisitions, Gifts and Loans: Selections from the Collections", The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Exhibition Catalogue, Ridgefield, CT
1973 - Robins, Corine, "Edward Clark: Push-Broom and Canvas", Art International, October
1972 - "Edward Clark, 141 Prince Street Gallery", Artforum, December
- Campbell, Lawrence, "Edward Clark, 141 Prince Street Gallery, Art News, November
1970 - Bowling, Frank, "Outside the Galleries", Arts, November
- Lewis, James E., "Afro-American Artists Abroad", Exhibition Catalogue, University Art Museum, University of Texas, Austin, March
1969 - Pistulesi, Anne, "Trois Noirs Americains: Le Centre Culturel Americain", Bingo Magazine, July
- "Americains, Noirs ... et Peintres: Expositions", Jeune Afrique, Paris, no.431, April
- Schneider, Pierre, "Trois Americains Peintres", l'Express, Paris, March 3-9, p.82
1968 - Clark, Edward, "Un Musee pour Harlem", Chroniques de l'Art Vivant", Gallery Meight Publication, Paris, November
1966 - Jones, LeRoi / Amiri, Baraka, "Home: Essays", Cuba Libre, William Morrow and Co, Inc.
- U.S.A. Painter Scores in Paris", 2nd at Creuze Gallery
- Kenedy, R.C., "Paris Letter", Art International, December
- "A Travers les Galleries", Le Monde, October