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"Clark, Edward: Un Musee pour Harlem," Chroniques de l'Art Vivant, Paris. November, 1968, 15

Kenedy, R.C. "Paris Letter," ArtIntrnational December, 1966, 59-60

Hagen, Yvonne, Review, "The Brata group, at the Creuze gallery," New York Herald Tribune, Paris edition. January 21, 1959

Dash, R. Warren, "Edward Clark, Brata Gallery," Arts March 1958

Schuyler, James M. Review, Brata Gallery, Art News March, 1958

Ashton, Dore, "Art: Downtown Shows," New York Times March 20, 1958

Seuphor, Michel, DictionnairedelaPeintureAbstraite, Paris 1957