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ED Clark
Page Eight

Kenedy, R.C., "Paris Letter", Art International, December 1966.
"A Travers les Galleries", Le Monde, October 1966.
Feldman, Anita, "Lettres", Arts, January 1966.
Herald Tribune, Paris, January 21, 1959.
Hagen, Yvonne, "The Brata Group at Creuze Gallery", New York Herald
Tribune, Paris, January 21, 1959.
Dash, Warren, "Edward Clark, Brata Gallery, Arts, March 1958. 
Ashton, Dore, "Art: Downtown Shows" The New York Times. 
March 20, 1958
Seuphor, Michael, Dictionnaire de la Peinture Abstaits, 
Paris, 1957
Arts Spectacle, Paris, June 20, 1956.
Berrin. L. "Peintres Americains en France: Recent Oeuvres,
American Legion Show", Bulletin de la Galerie Raymond Creuze,
Catalogue #2, October 21-30, 1955.
Falkenstein, Claire. "Art and Artists", New York Herald Tribune, 
(Paris), October 20, 1955.
Seuphor, Michell, Art Aufourd'hui, 1955.
Cimaise, August 1955.
La Pelntre, June 1, 1955.
Lecoste, Michel Conil, Galerie R. Creuze, Paris, Exibition
Lecoste, Michel Conil, Le Monde,. March 12, 1954.
Caravalho, R. "Salon d'Automne Review". La Revue Moderne. 1953.
"Pientres Americains en France", Galerie Craven. Exhibition
Catalogue, May, 1953. 
"South Side YMCA Show", The Chicago Tribune, 1951.

Corinne Robins, visiting Associate  Professor at Pratt Institute, contributing editor to American Book Review and author of THE PLURALIST ERA America Art, 1968-1981, recently completed a monograph on the works of Ed Clark, soon to be published. 

Anitta Feldman, independent curator and art journalist, is also working on a book on Ed Clark. Ms. Feldman's articles have appeared in Art News, Art Forum and several art publications. She was Art New Tokyo correspondent from 1973-1976, She was co-curator of the exibition Edward Clark: A Complex Identity at the Studio Museum in Harlem.