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Show," October 21 - 30, 1955.
Arts Spectacle, Paris, June 20.

Seuphor, Michael.  Dictionnaire de la Peinture Abstraite, Paris, 1957.

Schuyler, James M.  "Brata Gallery Review," Art News, March 1958.

Ashton, Dore.  "Art: Downtown Shows, The New York Times, March 20, 1958.

Dash, Warren.  "Edward Clark, Brata Gallery, Arts, March 1958.

Hagen Yvonne.  "The Brata Group at the Creuze Gallery," New York Herald Tribune (Paris), January 21, 1959.

Feldman, Anita.  "Lettres," Arts, January 1966.

"A Travers les Galleries," Le Monde, October 21, 1966.

Kenedy, R.C. "Paris Letter," Art International, December 1966.

"U.S.A. Painter Scores in Paris," (2nd at Creuze Gallery), 1966.

Jones, Le Roi (Amiri Baraka). Home: Essays, "Cuba Libre," William Morrow and Co., Inc., 1966.