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"... and, of course, I would know,..." But, first, of all, from beginning to end the essay is beautiful and coherent. It permeates the reader with a feeling and sense of clarity that is art. Furthermore, and propopably[[probably]] more amazingly, it gives him knowledge which he can never lose. No one who reads this essay, even if, he can never remember a single word of it, or, even if, he can never recall a single image in it, will ever be able to miss art when he encounters it. Success, more than this, I can't imagine. 

That this effort & success which was obviously intended to be shared with me seemed to trigger only the worst mawkish expressions of my basic character defect of self-deprecatory doubt about my work and my mind was obviously a downer for you. I apologize, but I am so tight, & ungifted with words, that the maudlin free association approach seems to be the only way that I can loosen up enough to write a letter. 

But buried in those pitiful letters are some ideas about my