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that's the way I see it, that is, the continuing problem for abstraction, in its most reduced, but still comprehensible & sensible form.

I guess page 13 is as good a place to give up as any. I can't face up to the fact sheet today, but maybe I'll go to the city tommorrow & score Peruvian powder, & get it done.

You won't believe this, but working with you (a man of great coolness & experience, ex-editor of America's greatest & most efficiently run art magazine for 10 years) is beginning to bring back memories of Bill Rubin.

I love you, & everything you're doing for all of us as miscreants who drifted into the Bowery of Life, the art world, but if the real truth (psycho-sexual) were told, I love Gladys more. Alas, (as Hilton Kramer would say) King Kullen Kalls


* Last note, I'm sorry my attitude towards Clem & Michael showed weakness, but, 2 things:

1. I never doubted that they could see any better than I could, if as well. & 2. They never influenced my actual work in any way.