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page 2 ΒΆ1. We can assume however that 1-13 had small low parallel plane cardboard relief models made to correspond to the large wood, various materials, and collage reliefs with the exception of Bogoria where a model was made in solid aluminium instead of cardboard, but the type of relief low and parallel surface plane remained the same. From 13 to 42 with the introduction of the tilted plane construction idea, we get 2 tilted relief models added to the cardboard collage low (parallel plane) relief models. This was done for 2 reasons: 1. the wood model was made as a permanent record of the bristol board tilted wking models (many of which fell apart during & after the fabrication process; 2. the triwall tilted relief model with triwall background was done in order to consider at some other date the possibilities of using & developing the background, towards the end that the pieces would bring their own wall with them. This was tried out in large scale

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