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6 March 1961

Bedi Rassy Art Foundry
227 India Street
Brooklyn, New York


I spoke by phone with Jasper Johns, who asked me to pass on to you for him some instructions about bronzes of his, which he has been working on with you.

Will you kindly make two more of the Flag plaques between now and the first of May? The one that is now made should be shipped to him at this address:

Mr. Jasper Johns, 329 Church Street, Sumter, South Carolina.

He asked that you take good care of the plaster Flashlight that you are holding for him.

And sends his greetings to you.

If you have any questions, I hope you will feel free to get in touch with Mr. Castelli, or myself, at this number: BUtterfield 8-8343

Yours sincerely,

Constance Trimble