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little friend, thee has not forgotten to try - and be doing good to others - instead of thinking only thy own enjoyment - it will make thee so much more truely happy - and then when I get my dear little Annie back again it will be such a happiness - find her really grown in goodness - and that in all this while, thee has been toiling up the hill difficulty - instead of slipping indolently back.  For the steps thee takes now are for all thy life - not for today or tomorrow alone - And tell me darling all thy struggles - tell me thy conquests - because they will make me so happy. and tell me thy failures too - they will come sometimes I dare say - but tell me all about them - it will help thee to resolve they shall not come again - 

I had to leave this letter the other day Annie - and have had no chance to finish it till now - I must tell you about some of the nice times - I had at Hillville - There are so many pleasant rides there. - Sometimes I went in the carriage - and sometimes on horse-back - in such little paths through the deep woods that I had to bend my head down to the horses neck to get under the hanging boughs. So thee has been riding horse-back too Annie - I wonder if thee has tried it again since the horse galloped off with thee - Thee will not feel so afraid next time after having one good trot and finding thee did not slip off. - I am very glad thee is learning - thee must tell me all about it - and all thy nice times - I like so much to hear what thee is doing - I must tell thee about one little adventure - cousin Carrie and I had - which I think thee would have enjoyed - We were riding together one morning - and came to a beautiful little pond filled with white waterlilies - we saw there was a little boat tied to a tree - so we went to the man that owned [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] it, and asked him if he would lend it to us - then we tied the pony to a tree and got in to the boat and pushed off - we found [[note 2]]

Transcription Notes:
[[note 1: top left continued from the bottom of the 1st page of letter - the right side of the previous image]] [[note 2: the right side of this letter continues on the previous image - left side]]