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Brooklyn April 5

My dear Annie

Our last letters crossed buy yours was a free gift and mine had long been due - so the debt still remains on my side and it's Sunday afternoon I will attempt to discharge it - though I am afraid I have nothing interesting to tell you - and I shall certainly get no inspiration if I look outside the windows - for it is the dreariest of days - a sullen day & a bitter chill in the air and perhaps at this protest 

[[left side]]
would have been as king to him as if she was her brother I know - I can't bear to think of him left entirely alone among strangers after Mr. Adisson leaves for Europe - and I shall be gone to country then too - My plans are postponed for the present - & as for Nancy I hope has already set sail from England for America - and that of course is the great event of the summer for me - and all my arrangements will be modified by that - but mean time I keep at work - grinding out picture afer [[after]]
[[/left side]]

[[top left margin of right side]] 
Lizzie's love
to all
[[/top left margin of right side]]

Transcription Notes:
[[note: Read right side first. The second page of the letter is found on the next image. After the next image, come back and read the left side of this image.]]