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than $1 a pair- I think only write her the price and be explicit in sizes and colors- I ought to have thought of this before- but the time did not seem so near-  I have waited till now June 30th for an answer from Mr. Taylor- it is useless to wait longer- they must have left Zurich as I leave this [[?]] for Paris. 3 o'clock arriving there tomorrow morning at 6 1/2. I am scribbling this in great haste because I have preparations to make- and to go once more to the bankers- in hope of a letter. Be sure to send for any thing I can get for you in Paris or England- and give a world of love to all the family- Millies picture is a little treasure- but it is too [[?]] how I long to get yours- it was very good of you to have it taken. Hascdear Annie forgotten me- she never even sends a message of love. once more love- love always to all-

Your Fidelia

there every day at noon in the grand Square of St Marc's that would interest the children- much- one after another the church bells sound- but nothing unusual is seen- at last the great bell of the Campanile. Tolls the forth the hour- and instantly a flutter of myriad little winds is heard- and the air is darkened by a huge flock of doves- who swarm forth from every nook of the tall belfry- and the doves of the Cathedral- crowding round the windows of a certain house in the square- where a man appears to feed them- so eager are they that they hang one on top of another like a swarm of bees. and this has happened every day for hundreds of years- in one of the ancient wars of Venice the carrier pigeons brought down important news to the general- which saved the city- in his gratitude- he left a perpetual legacy to the town- to be expended in corn for them- every day henceforth. This dance [[?]] is a gay sight every evening- for all time come, then to eat ices and sit in the open air- bands are playing and lights burning- and the magnificent shops exhibit their most tempting devices- but it pleased me far better- to take a gondola- and glide about neath the star-lit sky- sometimes far out on