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Eastbourne - May 25th 92

My dearest friend Phebe
It seems a very long time since i have heard from any of you. Ella's letter of April 17th was the last. I know darling it often tires you to write, and I would not have you do it - just a little note sent in one of Anne's or Ella's will always be so dear to me I think of you constantly, now as the summer is coming on, and long to know what your plans are for the season. Alice Tournier wrote that you had all been to Lakewood, but had not profited by the changes - and I imagine from the way she wrote, had returned home sooner than you had intended. I hope this does 

Yesterday Chary & I took a drive in a great open conveyance with four horses - a "char a banc" so called. We had the seats by the driver, which was delightful. The country was lovely, and the [[?]] castles we visited most picturesque.
It is possible that Anna Richards may share my state-room on the Britanic, if she can succeed in changing her passage, already taken for the 25th. It is also possible that she may be with me some where for some weeks before sailing. Where i have not decided, perhapd the Lakes. I want to paint for a time if possible, but I feel so tired, all the time. When I am within the quiet of my own home I hope to recover my old energy, or as much of it, as is possible in my 58 years. Tell Annie & Alice , I