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live so far off. I have nothing new to tell you, for not the least thing out of the common 
way has transpired since your absence. The pets are as ever lovely and interesting -- Willie [[strikeout]] and [[/strikeout]] is acquiring a very funny patronizing way of talking - and
usually addresses we as "my dear Miss Bridges" or "child"-- little baby misses you the most of them, I think or says the most about it -- and is rather
losing her faith in "back doon" her pathetic little "gone way" does not sound quite so hopeful. As for Miss Ella she has not learned an identical thing since you left home. She so intolerably
lazy -- I can not get half an idea out of her, now the now the novelty of school has worn off-- so you must not expect to find her very accomplished
[[strikeout]] once [[/strikeout]] when you get
home. Annie & Alice are doing very well. It is most
lovely and warm today -- but
we have had some mornings pretty cool-- so that I have had a fire in the nursery-- but we have not had a single day since you left that has not been perfectly lovely and cloudless throughout. I do hope it has been so with you. It is no use for me
to add another word - for I am sure it will only
be to tell you how I long to see you, and that I won't say any more about - until I have you in my arms again Lizzie sends her love and all the
pets kisses - Give my warmest love to William
-- Your faithful