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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[4 column table]]

|  michael Buckley | 140 east 83rd St. | april 6 |   |
| [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Elizabeth Hess |   |   |   |
| [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ELLIOT CAPLAN |   |   |   |
| Edna White | 580 Arantraders Rd. #507 Palo Alto, 94306, Cal. | 4/6/74 |   |
| Sidney Simon |   |   |   |
| Anne Pruerly | 130 w 78th St |   |   |
| Helen Frankenthale |   |   |   |
| Jerry Rismiller | 189 Eastern Pkwy | Aprill 9'74 |   | 
| Lucille Carrier | 15 Aluugdon Sq nyc | 4/9 |   | 
| Frank Veccia | 299 w 12th nyc |   |   |
| Gabrielle | 27 E 22 St. |   |   |
| Mon Lumm | s |   |   |
| A. Donly | 55 East 73nd St. NY 10021 |   |   | 
| W Elsin | Stanford university  | April 9, 1974 |   |
| Jem J. Noe | Oakland Art Canta|   | Univ. of N. C. Chapel Hill | 
| Ruth Zuckerman | NYC - Atlanta |   |   |
| Thomas Linn |   |   | 1012 So. 131st Ave | 4/9/74 |   | 
| Jane Bell | Omaha NB. 68154|   |   |
| RAUL KAMFFER |Arts Magazine|   |   |
| PLAZA RIO DE JANEIRO #62 | 4/9/74 | MEXICO DF. Z7 | 
| Ken Cresnell |   |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
(most) unsure about Arastradero (changed to Arantraders), Sidney Simon, Anne Promence, Jecua, Mon Lumm (changed to Mon Lennon by one transcriber and back to Mon Lumm by another), Tom J. Noe Oakland east 66 (changed, but needs review)