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16 June 1960

Dear Marisol, 

Leo asked me to write you, because, although he wanted very much to do so himself, was so rushed that he couldn't find a moment. The gallery has got very busy,and grown enormously in importance. It has been hectic and exciting. So Leo is in Venice (till June 18th), Rome (June 20-26) Milan (June 26-28), then Paris on the 29th. The only address is in each in each city, % American Express.  

Container Corporation seems to like very much the bronze of which you sent the photograph (it is enclosed herewith), and wants to have the piece as soon as ever they can.  Will you have it sent to us as soon as you possibly can? Lefebvre Foinet (19 rue Vavin, Paris VI, telephone DANton 64-34) is the exporter Leo uses in Paris, and W. R. Keating and Co., 90 Broad Street, NYC, is the agent here. You may send it all charges collect to the gallery. Please let me know when we can expect it to arrive.  

I am just wondering if it would be practical to have another piece sent at the same time. Later on, in September, there is to be a show at the Sculpture center, and they have asked for a new piece of yours. If you have something available, and it is not too heavy you might want to include that also, unless of course, you will be coming back to the States and sending them all at once. 

Leo sends his love, and will see you in Paris the week of June 29th- July 5th. 

Norman will be in Paris tomorrow- he's flying tonight, and will be using Joan Mitchell's studio. He will give you all the news. 

Connie Trimble
[[Connie Trimble's signature]]

Transcription Notes:
[[the "address is in each" is printed over twice to cover a previous sentence]]